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The Specific Carbohydrate Diet
Nutritional therapy in pediatric Crohn’s disease is an effective treatment for active inflammation. The most studied dietary therapy is enteral nutrition therapy (ENT ), which is effective in 80% of children. Because of the success of ENT, many dietary therapies focus on removing specific complex carbohydrates from the diet. The specific carbohydrate diet (SCD) removes
read moreEnteral Nutrition Therapy
Enteral Nutrition Therapy is a dietary treatment for Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD). With this treatment, food is replaced by a formula that is nutritionally complete. These formulas contain a balance of all the energy, protein, vitamins, and minerals that a person needs for good nutrition and growth. Benefits of this treatment are it does not
read moreIBD General Nutrition Information
Nutrition Information Eating a healthy diet is important in managing and overcoming any disease, especially inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). Poor nutrition in children and adolescents with IBD is caused by many factors. During a “flare” or period of increased gastrointestinal inflammation, appetite can decrease. This makes it difficult to eat enough food to maintain growth,
read moreSample Single Occupancy Dorm Room Request Letter
Date Residential Office Address To Whom It May Concern: {Student name} is currently under my care at for inflammatory bowel disease. {Student name} has been a patient of mine since {date} . {Student name} is requesting a single room with access to a private bath while attending your institution. The most common symptoms of inflammatory
read moreAdvocacy Letter Templates for Children with Crohn’s Disease and Ulcerative Colitis
Overview While most children and young adults with inflammatory bowel disease lead healthy and productive lives, it is not uncommon for such children to have periods of severe illness that interfere with school, activities, and work. During these periods, a family member or caretaker may also need to take time off from work to care
read morePlowing Through the Paperwork: A Guide for Families and Patients with IBD
By members of the NASPGHAN Inflammatory Bowel Disease Committee Advocacy Working Group Chair: Mark Integlia, MD Working Group Members: Janis Arnold LICSW, Athos Bousvaros MD MPH Cheryl Blank MD, Jennifer Jaff, Esq, Brad Pasternak MD Medical writer: Kathryn Atkinson Overview Even though most children and young adults with inflammatory bowel disease lead healthy and productive lives, it is
read moreVaccines and Children with Inflammatory Bowel Disease
In general, children with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) should receive their vaccines on the same schedule as other children. However, some medicines used to treat IBD suppress the immune system, including corticosteroids (such as prednisone), 6-mercaptopurine (6MP; brand name: Purinethol®) azathioprine (brand names: Imuran®, Azasan®), cyclosporine, methotrexate, infliximab (brand name: Remicade®), adalimubab (brand name: Humira®),
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